Kalendář akcí

Kde už Výtah byl?

01.01.2014 00:00
Zde jsou k nalezení akce, které již proběhly. Pokud nějaká akce byla v kalendáři a nyní není níže, má to jednoduchý důvod: o akci neměl zájem jediný účastník, a proto nakonec neproběhla... :-)


20.06.2015 12:13
Ahoj všichni,  jak někteří z Vás tuší, tančírna se bohužel rozpadla. Prostory již nemáme. Musíme počkat, zda neseženeme nové...

Jsi tu správně!

Jsi "relativně mladý" dospělý tvor? (Věkem někde mezi 1/5 století a 2/5 století)
Trávíš raději svůj volný čas jinak než sezením v hospodě?
Chceš jít na výlet, ale nechceš jít sám/sama, tak často zůstáváš zbytečně doma?
Rád bys šel na koncert, do divadla, či na nějakou jinou akci, ale jít sám je "blbé", tak nejdeš nikam?
Láká Tě nějaká akce, kde je potřeba tým, který nemáš?
Chceš si jít zatančit i přes týden? 
Chceš si jít zatančit a trpíš mylným dojmem, že nemáš s kým?
Už jsi vyrostl z názoru, že hrát si mohou jenom děti?
Trávíš příliš moc večerů u počítače či televize, ale chtěl bys to změnit?
Máš dojem, že všechny akce pro mladé lidi, jsou pro jiné "názorové skupiny" a že nikam nezapadáš? 

Rozpadá se Ti "parta z mládí" a její členové se názorově, životně či místně rozchází a už je těžké s nimi něco podniknout?
Nerozpadá se Ti nic, ale chtěl bys poznat nové lidi?
Máš obavu, že by sis s nikým nerozuměl?
Máš málo příležitostí poznat nové lidi jinde než v práci?
Chceš obohatit své myšlenky i o poznatky pozorované lidmi z jiných oborů, než v jakých se běžně pohybuješ?
Chceš si jen občas užít trochu legrace?
Chceš mít s kým vyrazit na výlet, když se Ti bude chtít, a zároveň nemít špatný pocit z toho, když na společné akce nebudeš mít dlouho čas?

Pokud jsi alespoň na dvě z výše uvedených otázek odpověděl(a) kladně, neboj se a pojď do toho s námi!!!


Pokud máš pár minut času, neodcházej a mrkni se na tyto stránky. 



  • Když jednoduše mrkneš na kalendář akcí, najdeš akce časově seřazené. Můžeš se podívat, kam v nejbližší době vyrazit! Jestli Tě něco zaujme, pak neváhej a přijď!

  • Sekce Kam výtah jede? je předpřipravená na dobu, kdy se projekt rozjede a bude třeba kalendář akcí již nepřehledný...

    Najdeš tam informace o kulturních, společenských, sportovních i jiných akcích, výletech, tančírně, společenských hrách či jiných místech, kam se s Výtahem můžeš vydat. Najdeš tam akce tématicky rozdělené, takže pokud Tě zajímají akce určitých témat, dostaneš se snadno i k akcím, které budou ve "vzdálenější budoucnosti", či ještě nemají určený termín. Věřím, že tato sekce bude mít větší smysl, až se Výtah více rozjede a "kalendář akcí" už bude nepřehledný. Prozatím Výtah jezdí jen do několika málo pater a ty lze v kalendáři docela dobře najít!

  • V sekci  Co je VýTAH? se dozvíš něco málo o tom, proč a jak to celé vzniklo... A pokud váháš, jestli se na tyto stránky podívat, možná se dozvíš, proč do toho s námi jít.

  • V sekci Koho ve výtahu potkáš? se dozvíš něco málo o mě, něco málo o tom, pro koho jsou akce určeny a časem možná i něco málo o dalších lidech, kteří se k organizaci Výtahu přidají...

  • Pokud zavítáš do sekce Vylepši Výtah! Oprav Výtah! jsi vítán dvojnásob! Organizuješ vlastní akce? Máš vlastní nápady? Chceš pro ně sehnat lidi? Chceš své (třeba už i jinde uveřejněné) akce prezentovat i zde? Pomoz vylepšit Výtah! Ráda bych, aby se Výtah neomezoval jen na mé oblasti zájmu, ale našli tu své i lidé mně zcela cizí (a k tomu výtah potřebuje lidi jim bližší...).

  • V sekci Pozor strašidla! najdeš odkazy na stránky jiných tvorů, jež si rovněž přejí rozšiřovat své akce, tak recipročně vyměnili odkazy - náš je na jejich stránkách, jejich je u nás... :-) Pokud se chceš taky s námi rozšiřovat vzájemně, napiš mi odkaz na své stránky a akce...


A pokud jsi odjinud než z Brna, taky neodcházej! 

Koukni alespoň na "Kam výtah jede" podsekci "Už tam budem?", kde by měly vznikat výlety po celé ČR a případně koukni na další strašidla, neboť tam straší i strašidla odjinud... Zabloudi na diskusi v sekci "Výtah v jiných koutech světa". A pokud jsi odjinud a jsi akční, tak třeba výtah dostav i ve svém městě! :-) 


Ploužení, ploučnění aneb víkend na Ploučnici...

15.08.2014 20:00
Vážení přátelé, zvu Vás na nezapomenutelný víkend v pohádkové krajině, který sice nemá zatím...

Nové akce - poděkování

24.02.2014 16:12
Tímto chci poděkovat všem z Vás, kteří již na Výtah přidali vlastní akce! Díky Vám se může Výtah...

Volné vstupenky na koncerty Etno Brno 2014

13.02.2014 11:18
Ahoj lidičci, v jedné soutěži jsem vyhrála 2 volné vstupenky na následující koncerty: čt 13. 2. –...

Tančírna bude

24.01.2014 08:00
Tančírna vypadá velice nadějně. Od konce února/začátku března zřejmě bude!  Já hlupák starý-...

Výtah na Facebooku

17.01.2014 00:00
Pro příznivce Facebooku mám novinku. Výtah získal stránku na Facebooku! www.facebook.com/vytah Na...

Vylepšený Výtah - novinky

16.01.2014 16:30
Na vědomost se dává, že díky Vám všem, kteří mi dáváte své rady, podněty, nápady atd. se Výtah...

Premiéra za námi

15.01.2014 23:45
Na vědomost se dává, že výtah má za sebou první akci a docela úspěšně!  Děkuji všem...

Výtah slaví narození

28.12.2013 14:50
Na vědomost se všem dává, že v Brně vznikají nové volnočasové možnosti pro lidi, kteří mají za...


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Test, just a test

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Hello. And Bye.

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Things You Should Know About Aircraft 3d Models and Best Free 25 of Animated Superheroes 3D Models You Should Use in 2019

Datum: 03.05.2018 | Vložil: JosephshopY

<p>And we've elaborated several alternatives to convert images no more incompatibility troubles! This combination has arguably had the most influence on the quality of human life since it is seen in the healthcare sector. When many models come at no cost, others come at very reasonable prices.</p>
<p>Possessing a similar small business model as Shapeways, their marketplace is a good deal less crowded. Searching through 4KTV brands of the bigger sort took a mammoth quantity of time as it wasn't completely clear in how it listed all the TV's that came under the search criteria. Hemp products can be purchased in stores or on the web. </p> <p>A typical challenge faced by MEP design projects or MEP coordination projects is that they're managed by firms from other geographical locations and in certain instances the firms may work in various time zones. As most individuals aren't CAD professionals, they need to use third-party designs. Software that enables you to draw your models in virtual space is comparatively affordable, but learning how to utilize it can take some time. </p>
<p>A craft business is an ideal chance to express your art just how you like it. Studios can likewise be created on your premises, in an attic or garage. BeLight Software Ltd. hasn't been connected to any one of these products for promotion, development, sale or any other similar small business relationship. </p> <p>After you initially purchase your prized mobile device, it's an excellent concept to put money into some type of protection for this valuable part of your mobile phone. The phone is the exact first rugged phone generated by the organization. Picking the most appropriate budget phone is also rather important.</p>
<p>The the tablet computer is intended to respond just to the pen device, and your hand won't have an effect on performance. Reading forums on a lot of different Android phones, battery life is an enormous problem that won't appear to go away. The devices could possibly be attached to a laptop or cell phone. </p> <p>You'll be certainly impressed with the high quality and design of their 3D models. You will surely want to purchase a lot of animations and 3D models at 3dcgstore. All things considered, it provides a massive selection of 3D models. </p>
<p>You will see very attractive prices for 3D models, and you'll acquire great support on 3dcgstore. 3dcgstore is another fantastic place to purchase 3D models. All models must be printed at Shapeways. </p>
<p>This tutorial can help you to understand a little about mapping procedures of both of this useful and highly effective 3d software. Once you get your 3D model's STL or OBJ files, you can go right ahead and upload them to the market. </p>
<p>Models must be printed at Shapeways. See whole End User License and Membership Agreement for more information.</p>
<p>3dcgstore is different than the databases we've looked at thus far. It's possible to find there all of the 3D models of all the various marketplaces, it enables you to compare different databases. It aggregates 3D printing websites so it is possible to look for a file throughout multiple repositories simultaneously. </p> <p>You are going to be amazed at how involved you've become with your community and become familiar with the folks around you. OBJ format and offers a wonderful chance to people who need to share their works with the broad community of gamers from every corner of the planet. Some are even seeking to earn a transition into freelancing work. </p> <p>A failure to defend the copyright of the 3D content creation may lead to serious problems. You won't get lost when you're provided with the appropriate directions to the desired destination. Toolbars will be more customizable and extra box select modes will accelerate editing. </p> <p>Absolutely free designs are also offered. Now you are all set to check your images. Individuals who are thinking about getting 3D models, textures or HDRI ought to know that CGStudio is the ideal marketplace at the place where they could locate these. </p>
<p>The designer produces a wonderful 3D print product. 3dcgstore has a number of the coolest prints you'll find. Pinshape is a rather well curated an extremely large group of top quality models. </p> <p>The company is also developing a voice-activated tool to permit customers to get goods online from midsize retailers using devices like Google Home. 3dcgstore is playing an important role in reducing this cost along with empowering developers to make 3D applications much faster and better, states Yousif Mahmoud, CEO and founder of 3dcgstore. If you decide to sell in their MarketPlace, they supply free advertising options while additionally giving competitive industry prices. </p>
<p>It's a fair bit of premium content, but the majority of the website is comprised of totally free models. All you need to do is search for the internet stores that give you the precise same. You are going to be happy once you make a purchase at 3dcgstore. </p>
<p>Please be aware that while all of these sites make it possible for users to download some models at no cost, there could be a fee related to downloading certain models. Indeed, there are lots of marketplaces on the internet where you can get 3D models. Most marketplaces continue being conservative on this subject. </p>

The Definitive Solution for 3d Models and Finest Free 25 of Animated Mammals 3D Models To Download for Game Development in 2019

Datum: 03.05.2018 | Vložil: JosephshopY

<p>While there are many such businesses that provide CBD oil online and far more only at a competent company are you going to locate quality products that supply you proper usage benefits. There is really a sense of community in regards to arts and crafts. A craft is an excellent method to produce a difference in the Earth, by creating products people are going to have an emotional connection to. </p>
<p>Possessing a similar small business model as Shapeways, their marketplace is a good deal less crowded. This marketplace isn't for everybody, but if you're searching for certain objects or pieces, it may be very helpful. This is a significant approach to inspire others to buy your products with the free great self-promotion. </p> <p>Designs need to be 3D printed at Sculpteo in various materials. In fact, lots of 3D modelers are ready to expand their freelancing work. </p>
<p>A craft business is an ideal chance to express your art just how you like it. Studios can likewise be created on your premises, in an attic or garage. BeLight Software Ltd. hasn't been connected to any one of these products for promotion, development, sale or any other similar small business relationship. </p> <p>The model quantities of both machines differ in 1 figure, it can be easy to guess the principal performance of the 2 products might be quite same. In order to relish your 3DTV, you're going to want some sort of source material, and a device to play it. While greater access to desktop 3D printers will bring in new adopters of the technology, the majority of those 3D printers continue to be priced far from the range of the typical consumer. </p>
<p>The expense of a 3D TV is dependent on many aspects of the screen dimensions and extra capabilities. The Samsung 37 inch LCD TV also has a quality that reduces motion blur that's a frequent issue with HDTVs due to the fact that they display motion so fast. </p> <p>You'll be certainly impressed with the high quality and design of their 3D models. The 3D printed gun appears to be quite popular on the site. Most models aren't designed for 3D printing however, you might discover some of them.</p>
<p>3dcgstore lets you purchase your professional models. 3dcgstore is another fantastic place to purchase 3D models. All models must be printed at Shapeways. </p>
<p>Downloading STL files is a rather simple practice. You can purchase your model, and if you prefer to customize a small bit the design, you can work on the file if you've got a 3D modeling computer software. </p>
<p>The grade of the 3D models you may find on this platform is good. So, you would like to sell 3D stock models from an internet marketplace. The platform is basically a repository of 3D models that have been made available to accelerate development processes in the aforementioned industries. </p>
<p>Thingiverse is most likely one of the largest and most well-known databases. This is the largest free models repository. These websites provide an abundance of high-quality low and mid-poly 3D models offered for purchase. </p> <p>There are lots of people on earth who earn a living from working at a job they hate. There is a range of internet collaboration tools that provide a faster and much better approach to unify people working on the very same project from various locations and to deal with the data they need to exchange. Possibly the best medicine is to avoid disease before it begins. </p> <p>A failure to defend the copyright of the 3D content creation may lead to serious problems. It can help you to be more creative due to its large library of models. Toolbars will be more customizable and extra box select modes will accelerate editing. </p> <p>The simplest approach to offer your 3D designs is finding an internet marketplace that fits with your 3D model's theme. It is possible to use our online 3D printing support! This enormous quantity of 3D printing marketplaces can be a little overwhelming. </p>
<p>It can be beneficial if you're not a skilled and that you would like to try out 3D design. It's ideal if you're searching for a model to print or for ideas of objects you could 3D print. Pinshape is a rather well curated an extremely large group of top quality models. </p> <p>With this much information that can be found on the web and competitor sites, there's every chance to formulate a fair small business program. 3dcgstore is playing an important role in reducing this cost along with empowering developers to make 3D applications much faster and better, states Yousif Mahmoud, CEO and founder of 3dcgstore. If you decide to sell in their MarketPlace, they supply free advertising options while additionally giving competitive industry prices. </p>
<p>But, 3dcgstore also give an exemplary marketplace for designers to sell their goods. One of the simplest and most accessible strategies to get started earning money for a 3D modeler is to get started selling 3D stock models from an internet marketplace. It's wonderful to realize that the youthful generation has a wholly different view of startup companies and is very excited to work inside them. </p>
<p>We will look at some of the most well-known marketplaces. Overall, you require online marketplaces having the most traffic and the very best royalties. Most marketplaces continue being conservative on this subject. </p>


Datum: 04.05.2018 | Vložil: Pabloevild

The theme is interesting, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.

3d Models for Game Development Secrets

Datum: 06.05.2018 | Vložil: Kevinambig

How to Choose Appliance Furniture 3d Models

Is not is about to be used. This model also have a conventional design in jet. This model provides excellent quality for merely a small additional money. This model doesn't incorporate the new texures.

The Appliance Furniture 3d Models Game

The model is about to provide. This model also has a conventional design in black. This model provides excellent quality for merely a small additional money. This model doesn't incorporate the constitution.

Appliance Furniture 3d Models Ideas

Perceived as wise shopper when using it dryer repaired. If is certainly not working the way that it should be working, make sure that are familiar with in what part with the cycle is that you might be having trouble before you call a repairman for service. Many assortments of dishwashers are offered in the market. The dishwashers offered available in the market today have micro-processor controlled wash cycles. Since thinking see, the microwave a person choose will depend largely on whether you need the grill and oven features in addition to typical microwave option.

Gossip, Deception and Appliance Furniture 3d Models

Shopping has never been simpler with the introduction of the web and internet choices. Don't shop for the least expensive bits around, as the caliber of this steel will be quite poor and they'll break quite easily. Single-level stores are observed predominantly in locations where the associated with land would be less than the price of constructing a 2-level shop, even the Saarlouis, Germany and Haparanda, Sweden locations. This modified store will feature just a display gallery and little warehouse. Remove those moments wherein you want to play in the nearest convenient store simply because you ran out of charcoal or fuel because now, you only have to plug the electric grill to permit the cooking procedure starts. The item may also be shipped from the warehouse to your shop.

The Pain of Appliance Furniture 3d Models

You will have the choice to bundle plenty of assets and products into one lease, which means you may make a payment on all your rental solutions. You acquire more than enough alternatives in order to smoke a healthier wholesome meal for your family members and guests. There's certainly no lack of choice in the sort of bit, and perhaps they are easily available. There's not any way around it. In the nut, no matter what's the reason for your buying a gas grill, ensure that you will clean the actual item before use. There's no doubt that lots of united states who plans or wish to get a new monitor think of this being a choice.

Appliance Furniture 3d Models

A bit of research will go a very long approach to achieving the ideal results for buying a vacuum cleaner that's functional for your requirements. This kind of technology could become commonplace in a period of a couple short decades. Some remodeling software will also allow you to simulate sunlight coming through windows so that you may see the effect it's going to have on a room. Beyond that, these little lightweight tools just don't have the ability to tighten a nut or bolt. It is believed to be the most important advertising and marketing tool of the retail giant, consuming 70% of the firm's yearly advertising and marketing budget.
Key Pieces of Appliance Furniture 3d Models

Despite what you might already know elsewhere, there are just 3 forms of espresso machine in conditions of operation. The organization is well known for its modern architectural designs for most kinds of appliances and furniture, and its interior planning work is often linked with an eco-friendly simplicity. The actual end, customers cover many at a cash sign-up.

If you are a video game developer and you don’t want to waste hundreds of hours modeling then by yourself consider purchasing 3d models.

Of course, you will be searching for the low-cost market with remarkable quality because games demand many 3d models in order to start level designing, for that we advise you to invest in 3dcgstore marketplace.
You can also contact their support team and tell them the assets that you need, they will provide it in swiftly with stunning price.

You can even ask for sounds, animation, rigging, and specification for example low poly and usable on game engines regarding example unreal engine and so on, with a good price you will find amazingly detailed 3d models .

You can get the 3d models even for cheaper price cause if spend with account funds you will get 3% discount if you review or share merchandise you will get even more discounts discounts.

In 3dcgstore marketplace, loyal customers will receive VIP gifts that worth hundreds of dollars for free.

If you liked a game character and want to use it in game development but you couldn’t find it anywhere nor design it by your self then you should visit 3dcgstore marketplace, they have designers who spend most of their time designing top favorite game characters.

If you may be professional 3d designer and you look into making cash online then you'll be looking for your highest commission marketplace, 3dcgstore considered the highest commission provider, over 80% return for every product you sell, additionally you will have private page and store within the site.

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Datum: 07.05.2018 | Vložil: MyronDib

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Datum: 07.05.2018 | Vložil: Bobbyblime

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Hi! I love you!

Datum: 10.05.2018 | Vložil: JollyRoger

Hello! ___123___Vytah Brrrrrrr!___123___

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